This is the 𝘯𝘦𝘸 Cardiff Life.
A vibrant blend of all things just past, happening in the present and upcoming in the future, within Cardiff. From the heart of our capital, we're here to celebrate
creativity, community and commerce, while staying true to our motto - "written by the people, for the people."
In a world that's constantly evolving, it's the people who shape the very essence of a city; and let us tell you, the people of Cardiff are nothing short of fantastic!
To the people of Cardiff, thank you. Your stories, passions, and contributions continue to
paint a captivating portrait of our dynamic city and it's an honour for us to be the storytellers
of your journeys. We extend our thanks to the contributors of this edition who bring a fresh
perspective to this issue. Your voices, experiences and talents breathe additional life into our
"Celebrating creativity, community & commerce in the capital" isn't just a tagline; it's a
commitment. It's a celebration of the artistry that adorns our streets, the tight-knit
communities that flourish in our neighbourhoods and the businesses that drive our economy
As we flip through these pages together, let's relish in the stories of those who embody the
very essence of our motto, because Cardiff Life Magazine is more than just a publication; it's
a shared experience that unites us all. Let's explore, celebrate and champion the beauty that
is Cardiff - a city that thrives because of its people.
Here's to you all! Enjoy the read.