Image credit – Noah Bakour

In a world often divided by differences, the Welsh Refugee Council (WRC) supports sanctuary seekers and refugees arriving in Wales, helping them rebuild their lives and become part of our wonderful communities.

Sanctuary of support

The mission of WRC is simple but powerful: to provide a safe, welcoming environment where sanctuary seekers and refugees can find the help they need to start over and find their new ‘Cartref’ (home).

From day one, the people they support face huge challenges – language barriers, legal complexities, and the deep trauma of leaving their old lives and homes behind. The WRC makes sure that they don’t have to go it alone. Delivering vital services like housing support, interpretation, and signposting to mental health services provides a lifeline during what can often feel like an overwhelming and frightening time.

Annually, the WRC supports over 4,000 sanctuary-seeking and refugee people across Wales.

Welsh Refugee Council at Pride Cardiff

Image credit – Nick Treharne

Building new lives

WRC doesn’t stop at emergency support; they are committed to long-term integration. With over 34 years of experience, the team listen to people’s needs and co-produce projects that help build strong pathways of support. Their vibrant and engaging programmes and services aim to improve English and Welsh language skills, which are essential for daily life and job opportunities.

‘I didn’t know anything, and the WRC makes everything easier for me. Not only me, but so many people are getting help daily. Thousands of people benefit from them. They changed my life.’

– WRC Sanctuary Seeker, 2024

Putting down roots 

Even after sanctuary seekers are granted refugee status, the challenges do not stop.  They are faced with the huge hurdle of having just 28 days to transition from asylum accommodation to finding a new place to live, a job, and a means of financially supporting themselves. Having not had the legal right to work as a sanctuary seeker and relying on just £49 a week to support all their living costs, this transition period places them at considerable risk of homelessness. 

The WRC Move on Project provides specialised support throughout this critical period, helping individuals secure a new place to live, gain employment skills and make the most of job opportunities, working towards living independent and fulfilling lives in Wales.

Supporting children and families

Many of the children who come to WRC have suffered trauma and find it hard to engage or express their fears. WRC Play Project creates a warm, safe space where children and families can have fun and recover from trauma. This work helps children become confident, supports them through anxiety, and gets them ready for learning at their new Welsh schools. While the children play, parents can also take part in informal English language classes, so the entire family is making the most of the sessions.

Image credit – Grace Springer

Learning and working

WRC Education and Employability Project helps refugees navigate the world of work and education in Wales, giving them the knowledge and confidence to achieve their ambitions. Partnering with fantastic organisations like Ikea and PWC, WRC offers employability workshops, one-to-one CV and job application support, interview guidance, career advice, and volunteering opportunities. Additionally, they provide advice about college, university, and community learning.

‘I was hesitant and had my doubts regarding my confidence and lack of skills, but the encouragement and support from WRC made me feel more comfortable and confident to apply for the job that I want.’

– Refugee

Brighter futures

As conflicts and crises persist globally, the work of WRC becomes increasingly vital. Wales is such a welcoming place, it’s in our nature to help those in need. WRC is passionately working towards helping Wales achieve recognition as the world’s first Nation of Sanctuary.

‘I want to note that upon arriving in Wales, we are constantly helped by the Welsh. They impress me with their kindness and generosity.’

– Ukrainian refugee

Image credit – WRC

How you can help

Donate: Your support will fund essentials like hardship packs of food and blankets.

Volunteer: Dedicate your time and skills to positively impact the lives of sanctuary seekers.

Advocate: Raise awareness about sanctuary seeker and refugee issues and WRC services within your community.

Partner: Collaborate with WRC as a corporate partner to lead the way in making Wales a Nation of Sanctuary.

Together with the WRC, you can transform dreams of safety and a new home into reality for sanctuary seekers and refugees in Wales. 

Visit to learn more about how you can contribute.